
Showing posts from November, 2012

Respect is the trunk of the tree of discipline

Without respect, especially mutual respect, we can't expect true discipline. Often we mistake compliance with discipline. But compliance only looks like discipline and it is often abandoned at the first possible chance.  Discipline is what drive us internally to do the right things in life, the good things in life. Often not the easy things in life. Was "respect is a part of discipline, as a branch is a part of a tree".

If reasoning is the flight from Problem-town to Solution City, rationalization is the return ticket.

We often get into trouble not by accident but by our own means. It is not that we don't know something is a problem. It's not that some things that are bad are a surprise to us. Quite often we convince ourselves that the rewards for doing something bad outweigh the consequences. We are willing to get into trouble because the payoff is worth the trouble. Not that there is just risk. There is no risk because we know for sure that we are going into a bad situation. It's just that we expect to walk away from it better than we when we walked into it. That's the kind of rationalization I am talking about. Not to say that all rationalization is bad.  You can go down that road but not too far. Why? Keep in mind it's still the road to Problem-town. We tend to forget that and end up where we started in the first place: in a whole heap of trouble. Maybe it also means that we have to keep solving problems to keep getting solutions.  We have enough problems as it is, creati...

Some people who think they are on an absolute platform, may just find themselves standing on absolutely nothing.

Opinions are hard. They are supposed to be so. You have to put a lot of thought into it. If you don't, you don't even value your opinion. But it's not supposed to be hard. You must at least supposed to consider that you could be wrong. If your opinion is hard and fast, you may not be able to change them even if you find out you are wrong. Wars start like this.